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The Smartmail eCommerce Email Marketing Glossary

Discover the A to Z of industry terms and acronyms, from abandoned cart emails to KPIs and beyond. With our authoritative guide, you’ll be an email marketing pro in no time.


Attribution in email marketing is the process of identifying and assigning credit to the various touchpoints that contribute to a recipient’s decision to take a desired action. It’s like being a detective, examining clues to determine which elements of your email campaigns have the greatest impact on conversions. By tracking and analyzing data, attribution helps you understand the effectiveness of different email components and their role in driving customer engagement and conversions.

With attribution, you can answer crucial questions like: Did the recipient make a purchase after opening a particular email? Did they click on a specific link within the email that led to a conversion? Did they interact with other marketing channels before ultimately converting? By attributing actions to specific touchpoints, you gain insights into the customer journey and can make data-driven decisions to optimize your email marketing strategy.

For instance, let’s say you’re a marketer for a fitness brand, attribution analysis may reveal that emails featuring success stories and before-and-after images drive more conversions compared to generic promotional emails. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your future email campaigns to include more inspiring stories and visual transformations to increase engagement and conversions.

In a nutshell, attribution empowers you to understand the impact of your email marketing efforts and identify which elements are driving the best results. It allows you to refine your strategies, personalize your content, and maximize the return on your email marketing investment.

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