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The Smartmail eCommerce Email Marketing Glossary

Discover the A to Z of industry terms and acronyms, from abandoned cart emails to KPIs and beyond. With our authoritative guide, you’ll be an email marketing pro in no time.


An Autoresponder in Email Marketing is like having a personal assistant who handles your email replies on autopilot. It’s an automated email campaign that sends pre-written responses to subscribers based on specific triggers or actions. Autoresponders allow you to engage with your audience promptly, deliver targeted content, and nurture relationships without manual effort.

Using Autoresponders, you can set up welcome emails for new subscribers, send confirmation messages for purchases or form submissions, or even create drip campaigns that deliver a series of emails over time. By leveraging automation, you ensure that your audience receives timely and relevant communications, enhancing their experience and keeping your brand top of mind.

Autoresponders are a powerful tool for email marketers, providing scalability, efficiency, and personalization. They save time by automating repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your email strategy. With the ability to segment and trigger emails based on specific events or conditions, you can tailor messages to individual subscribers, delivering the right content at the right time.

In summary, Autoresponders in Email Marketing is the secret sauce that streamlines communication and enhances engagement with your audience. They automate email replies, deliver targeted content, and nurture relationships, saving you time and effort while providing a personalized experience for your subscribers.

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